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The Best NGO in Delhi NCR

In the dynamic landscape of Delhi NCR, where diverse communities thrive, the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) becomes pivotal in driving positive social change and fostering inclusive development. Among the myriad of NGOs operating in the region, one stands out as a beacon of hope, empowerment, and transformative impact—the Best NGO in Delhi NCR. Let's delve into what makes this organization exceptional, its core initiatives, and the profound impact it has on society.

Mission and Vision

The Best NGO in Delhi NCR is driven by a compelling mission to uplift marginalized communities, promote sustainable development, and advocate for social justice. Its vision encompasses creating a society where every individual has access to opportunities, basic rights, and a dignified livelihood.

Core Initiatives

Education and Skill Development: The NGO places a strong emphasis on education as a catalyst for change. It runs various programs aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children, offering scholarships, vocational training, and skill development workshops to empower youth and enhance their employability.
Healthcare and Well-being: Recognizing the importance of healthcare access, especially in underserved areas, the NGO runs health camps, awareness programs, and facilitates access to essential medical services for marginalized communities. It prioritizes maternal and child health, nutrition, and preventive care.
Women Empowerment: Empowering women is at the heart of the NGO's initiatives. It provides entrepreneurship training, financial literacy workshops, and support for women-led microenterprises, enabling economic independence and social empowerment.
Environmental Conservation: Committed to environmental sustainability, the NGO conducts awareness campaigns, tree plantation drives, waste management initiatives, and promotes eco-friendly practices within communities.
Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation: During times of crisis, the NGO plays a crucial role in providing immediate relief, rehabilitation support, and rebuilding efforts in disaster-affected areas, ensuring affected communities can recover and rebuild their lives.

Impact and Success Stories

The Best NGO in Delhi NCR has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities. Through its interventions, it has:
● Enabled hundreds of children to access quality education, breaking the cycle of poverty and opening doors to brighter futures.
● Empowered women to become entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers in their communities, fostering gender equality and women's rights.
● Improved healthcare outcomes by providing medical assistance, conducting health camps, and promoting health awareness, leading to healthier communities.
● Promoted environmental stewardship and sustainability, fostering a culture of conservation and responsible environmental practices.
● Responded swiftly and effectively to disasters, providing essential relief, shelter, and support to affected populations, ensuring their resilience and recovery.

Collaborations and Partnerships

The Best NGO in Delhi NCR collaborates with government agencies, corporates, donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders to maximize its impact and reach. These partnerships enable the NGO to leverage resources, expertise, and networks to drive meaningful change and address complex societal challenges.

How You Can Support

As a supporter or potential donor, you can contribute to the impactful work of the Best NGO in Delhi NCR in several ways:
● Donate: Your financial contributions can directly support programs and initiatives that uplift communities and create lasting change.
● Volunteer: Offer your time, skills, and expertise to support the NGO's activities, whether it's teaching children, conducting health camps, or assisting in environmental initiatives.
● Advocate: Spread awareness about the NGO's work, advocate for social causes, and mobilize support from your networks to amplify the impact.


Use your skills and experience to support the work we do. Volunteer to be a Photographer, support our social media as a Graphic Designer or content creator or fundraise for us.


Be a friend and a guide to our children - You can be a role model and a source of inspiration for them. Read more about our mentorship programme.


Partner with us to reach out to children in need. Support a child in need on our website or contact us for more information about how to be a part of the Happy Kids Program.


Shreejan Foundation has been established as a Organisation, backed by a dedicated team.


Director, Operations




Digital Media Partner




I got in touch with Subhash Soni few years back and I was impressed by this work and help towards slum people.

Social Worker


Worked for few months with Subhash Soni,he is very kind and helpful person.

Corporate Job


Donated a little amount to Shreejan Foundation, Its good to see how they invest my amount for upliftment of poor.



I feel very lucky that i became part of their mission of helping needy people.



Its good to see little kids getting education and getting proper food. Thanks Subhash Soni.

Corporate Job


There is no right time to help others, Thanks Subhash Soni for including me in this mission.